In a previous life Dave Roe and Rob Hezel were managing a project to implement video analysis software at Football League clubs. This was when they saw the potential of video within grassroots sport, and set up FilmMyMatch, our amazing Pioneer 10 winners from last year.
Read more about their journey below.
We were delighted to actually win, a real high! Having the FREE dedicated office space for a year at the centre has enabled us to take the business to the next level of growth by centralising our core sales, marketing and operations functions. We are also busy making plans to use the centre to centralise and streamline our operations further over the next 12 months, including our editing and broadcast capability.
Dave Roe and Rob Hezel, the founders of FilmMyMatch and our Pioneer 10 2017 winners.
Apart from that, we have also benefitted significantly from being part of the SBIC community. There is a real sense of mutual support and we have been building new partnerships, accessing networking opportunities, gaining exposure to the wider Stockport business community and attending a range of business support sessions, which were free too.
We’ve delivered many high-profile projects in recent months. These include filming the UEFA U17 Championship on behalf of The FA and covering youth football events at a range of elite stadiums including Chelsea FC, Arsenal FC and Benfica.
However, what we are most excited about is our key area of growth, live streaming! In April we were able to demonstrate the quality of our offer when we broadcast the Scottish Women’s Premier League Cup Semi Finals at Falkirk FC. This has really put us on the map in the broadcast space and we can only see this area fuelling our growth further in the future.
Exciting times ahead – we are aiming to double our capacity again in the next two years, with a target of 40 mast systems across the UK. We believe that there is massive potential in using this infrastructure to provide sports at all levels with the opportunity to broadcast their events and engage with both new and existing audiences, as well as brands and sponsors.
We’re excited about experiencing the next phase of our growth here at SBIC!